Thursday, May 6, 2010


Author: Laurie Halse Anderson
Setting: Where: Rhode Island and New York.
When: 1776-1777
The culture is slavery an war.
Protagonist: Isabel
Why: It talks about her through the book
How does the protagonist develop throughout the novel: Her out look changed her life.
Antagonist: Ms. Lockton
Why: Because of her husband keep on going away.
The Hook: To know if Isabel get free or not free.

This is the story of Isabel, a slave girl in 1776. The book begins when her owner dies, and Isabel expects to now be free, since her owner said she freed her in the will. However, of course that doesn't happen and she gets sold and moved to New York. It's here that she gets all mixed up in the beginning of the Revolutionary War. She's torn as to which side might help her, the Rebels or the Patriots. She gets into a much trouble, but through it all shows a strong, brave spirit.

Theme: Slavery
What is one lesson the author wants you, the reader, to have learned upon reading. this novel: The have to do some stuff for the people.Dont take your freedom for graetnet.An never give up on what you set your mind to do.

This book gives you a wonderful idea for what life was like during this crazy time period, and especially the awful conditions of the slaves. And the prisoners of war too. Wonderful writing, and a sense of getting "lost in the story." I loved every minute of it.

rock you silde show

From limonada
From starfish235
From Cody Simms
From ahockley
From slworking2
From hinayana

Monday, May 3, 2010

westside story

they had a gang fight two of them got killed. then they had told the sister that her brother got killed by her boyfriend.